Animal Health and Production Consulting Programs
Every client’s operation is unique. We provide a series of customized service modules that focus on specific parts of the production system. These modules can be seamlessly paired into a comprehensive service package to meet the needs of each individual operation.
The Approach
The Feedlot Health approach involves “doing better things” as well as “doing things better”. In each service program, we combine the experience and expertise of our veterinary and animal science professionals with our proprietary software systems and execution tools to accomplish both on an ongoing basis.
The Method
Ongoing data collection using the proprietary iFHMS© software system allows the Feedlot Health team to monitor each operation on a daily basis to identify opportunities for improvement. This could take the form of fine-tuning existing operations, adopting a proven, alternative strategy, or developing and rigorously evaluating a new approach altogether.
The Details
A key feature of the Feedlot Health approach is the use of commercial field trial data and operation-specific economic modeling. Our clients can easily use the results of these models to make timely, cost-effective decisions for their operations.